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The rules we live by...: Unit vocabulary

Some useful words to help you in your study of laws, rules, and rebellion.
This is a list of some noteworthy vocabulary you'll find in this unit! Some are related to the unit topic, and others are generally useful academic words.
You'll know some of the words already, and some may be new. Take some time to familiarize yourself with them all before you get started on the passages and exercises in the unit. In Lesson 6, you'll test your knowledge of these words.
And without any further ado, here are the words!
Align (verb) 1. To support, ally, or associate with someone 2. To put things in a straight line
Contentious (adjective) involving arguing, quarrelsome
Defiant (adjective) openly disobeying rules, pushing back
Eliminate (verb) to remove or get rid of something
Enforce (verb) to make sure that a rule or law is followed
Impose (verb) to force something onto others
Incident (noun) an unforeseen, and usually bad, thing that happens
Invalid (noun) incorrect, false, not accepted
Policy (noun) an official rule, or set of rules
Rebellion (noun) war or pushback against a government or authority
Regulate (verb) to make rules that control something
Resistance (noun) opposition; an effort made to stop someone or something

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