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What defines us? Unit vocabulary

Stop here to learn some useful words!
This is a list of some noteworthy vocabulary you'll find in this unit! Some are related to the unit topic, and others are generally useful academic words.
You'll know some of the words already, and some may be new. Take some time to familiarize yourself with them all before you get started on the passages and exercises in the unit. And in Lesson 6, you'll get a chance to test your knowledge of these words.

Advantage (noun) a superior position, something that helps

Anxious (adjective) very worried

Alienated (adjective) feeling excluded and apart from other people

Collective (adjective) something done together by everyone in a group

Effective (adjective) successful, good at doing something

Esteem (noun) respect

Exclude (verb) to keep someone or something out, to prevent access

Heritage (noun) a birthright, traditions or goods granted to you by relatives or cultural ancestors

Interwoven (adjective) twisted or joined together

Perceive (verb) to notice something

Recognition (noun) the act of acknowledging, noticing, or celebrating something

Strategic (adjective) important to a plan

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