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Grammar guide: Verb forms

A guide to the Standard English conventions for verbs in various forms

What are verb forms?

Verbs can take many different forms. They can have different
. They can also be
. There are modal verbs, auxiliary verbs, and a dozen other possible categories.
The grammar science behind these different verb forms is complex. Luckily, you don't need to actually do any of this tricky classification to succeed on the SAT.
You've already been exposed to all these different verb forms in your everyday studies, and you likely use them all the time without thinking about it. If you rely on your instincts and familiarity with Standard English, choosing the correct verb form should come pretty naturally.
  • Yesterday, I am running to the lake.
  • Yesterday, I ran to the lake.
The verb phrase "am running" is in the present tense and the progressive aspect. However, the sentence tells us the action happened "yesterday", so we should use the past tense and the simple aspect: "ran".
Verb forms may be tested in one of the Form, structure, and sense questions that you encounter on test day.

How to identify verb form questions

When approaching form, structure, and sense questions, it's important to identify which Standard English conventions are being tested.
You'll know to look for verb form errors if
  • different choices use different verb tenses (past/present/future)
  • some choices add or remove helping verbs
If you don't see one or both of these differences among the choices, then the question doesn't deal with verb forms.
Let's look at a verb forms question now:
While many spiders use webs to catch their food, others capture prey using hunting or burrowing techniques. Spiders from the family Ctenizidae, often called trapdoor spiders, ______ their burrows with doors, using their silk for hinges.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Choose 1 answer:

What can make verb form errors difficult to spot?

Complex sentence structures

Verb form errors in simple sentences tend to be pretty obvious. But as sentences get more complex, it becomes easier to miss those little context clues that tell us when and how the verb is taking place.

Missing helping verbs

Only simple verbs can function without help.
When a helping verb is missing from any other type of verb phrase, that verb phrase can no longer function as the main verb of the sentence. This often creates a sentence fragment error.
When we're reading quickly, our brains have a tendency to fill in these missing verbs, which can cause us to overlook the error. Take your time as you read and make sure that each verb phrase has everything it needs to function.

Top tips

Conjugate in context

To determine if an action happens in the past, present, or future, we'll need to rely upon context clues in the sentence. The same goes for whether an action is completed or ongoing. Common context clues include dates, times, and other conjugated verbs.

Match other verbs

If you're not sure how to conjugate a verb, match the tense of other verbs in the same sentence or paragraph. Verb tense usually stays consistent unless some shift in time occurs within the passage.

Simple present tense for general facts

General statements of fact use simple present tense (e.g., "the sky is blue"). So, if there are no context clues that suggest a shift in tense or aspect, simple present tense is likely the best way to go.

Your turn

Verb forms
Botanists recognize over fifty different species of sunflower, and variance exists even in those species. One species, the silverleaf sunflower, ______ both an early-flowering ecotype that tends to grow in coastal areas and a late-flowering ecotype that grows inland.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Choose 1 answer:

Verb forms
Antarctic pearlwort, a low-growing shrub with characteristic yellow flowers, is one of only two native flowering plants which ______ in Antarctica.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Choose 1 answer:

Verb forms
Before the museum closed permanently, it faced financial challenges that ______ a large deficit and declining ticket sale revenues.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
Choose 1 answer:

Are you struggling with the concepts in this article?
You can learn more about verbs and their many forms here!

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