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Opening self-reflection

Reflect on how social comparison might affect your life decisions.
Begin this lesson by taking a moment to reflect on the following question:
Assuming that, in each case, you'd be doing a similar job (one that you also happen to like and to be good at), which of these three companies would you most prefer to work for?
Company A:
  • You are paid $50,000 per year to do this job
  • Most people at your job level seem to be paid closer to $40,000 per year.
Company B:
  • You are paid $70,000 per year to do this job
  • Most people at your job level seem to be paid closer to $85,000 per year.
Company C:
  • You are paid $50,000 per year to do this job,
  • Your coworkers don’t talk about incomes, so you have no clue how yours compares with other people’s incomes at your job level.

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