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Arkansas Math

Pre-Calculus: Number and Quantity

Students will use complex numbers and determine how polar and rectangular coordinates are related.


Fully covered
(+) Calculate the distance between numbers in the complex plane as the modulus of the difference, and the midpoint of a segment as the average of the numbers at its endpoints.

Students will perform operations with vectors and use those skills to solve problems.


Fully covered
(+) Recognize vector quantities as having both magnitude and direction. (+) Represent vector quantities by directed line segments, and use appropriate symbols for vectors and their magnitudes (e.g., v, |v|, ||v||, v).


Fully covered
(+) Find the components of a vector by subtracting the coordinates of an initial point from the coordinates of a terminal point.


Fully covered
Solve problems involving velocity and other quantities that can be represented by vectors.


Not covered
(+) Add and subtract vectors.
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Not covered
(+) Multiply a vector by a scalar.
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Fully covered
(+) Multiply a vector (regarded as a matrix with one column) by a matrix of suitable dimensions to produce another vector. (+) Work with matrices as transformations of vectors.